I recently attended the Revista National Launch & Executive Forum in Chicago. Revista, a national health care data firm, is launching the first widely available, comprehensive and reliable database of local, regional and national medical properties.

Present were a great mix of providers, investors, and lenders to the health care real estate space. Kudos to the Revista team of Mike Hargrave, Hilda Flower Martin, Elisa Freeman, and Jim Leavy; they are well on their way to accomplishing their goals, one of which is to develop the data to the point where the health care real estate space is poised to become a core asset class. Dr. Sam Chandan’s presentation on economic conditions was informative. If you have an opportunity to hear him speak in the future, please do so – it is worth it.

The conference was different from other health care real estate conferences in that the star of this show was the data. Networking was also a highlight, but everyone was talking about the data. Of course, no conference would be complete without the obligatory debate over the future of health system real estate monetizations and whether those monetizations will be fact or fiction.

For more information regarding Revista and its value proposition, visit www.revistamed.com.