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Revista has developed 2 short surveys in response to the Covid-19 pandemic’s impact on your business. One survey is geared towards owners and managers of medical real estate and the other …
Revista has developed 2 short surveys in response to the Covid-19 pandemic’s impact on your business. One survey is geared towards owners and managers of medical real estate and the other …
Revista has posted the 2020 Outpatient Development Report for subscribers as well as a complimentary data brief (link provided below). Development activity was strong in 2019. Overall, 53.3 million square …
A little over a month ago things were business as usual within the world of healthcare real estate. The Revista Medical Real Estate Investment Forum had just wrapped up very …
Through Q3 of 2019, there was some speculation about whether the total MOB sales volume for the year would top the $11 billion threshold for the fifth straight time. Any …
Industry participants often point to the “stickiness” of medical office leases. This stickiness is measured in tenant retention rates. Generally, over the past 11 years, average MOB retention rates have …
The Revista subscription data service is always improving. We’ve now made it incredibly easy to compare markets and analyze trends with our new Metro Rankings Report. You can now easily …
A variety of other HRE statistics were disseminated at Revista conference Jan. 27-29 The big shift that everyone involved in healthcare and healthcare real estate (HRE) has been talking about …
Classic economic theories establish a clear relationship between supply and demand for many goods and services. In real estate circles the theory says that as prices rise, demand (or occupancy) …
Qualified Opportunity Zones were created by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The zones are intended to encourage economic development and job creation in distressed communities throughout the country …
Andy Baxter, Alfonzo Leon, and Ben Ochs join the Revista Advisory Board Anchor Health Properties, Global Medical REIT and Interfinish commit to partnership Revista to have more than 400 at …
As 2019 was winding down, a large MOB portfolio sale closed with just five days left in the year. That sale, perhaps, could be a key toward propelling 2019’s total …
Last year 77 medical office projects started that will be over 100,000 square feet when completed. That’s quite an uptick over previous years when we averaged less than 50. The …
Overall, MOB cap rates have continued to remain at lower levels compared to just a few years ago. According to Revista’s 3rd Quarter, 2019 Medical Real Estate Transactions Report, the …
If you have seen Revista’s metro trends you may have noticed the Baltimore MOB market is one of the tightest in the country. The MOB occupancy rate has averaged between …
Introduction On the consumer side, health care costs represent almost 18% of GNP in the U.S. which is far higher than other industrialized nations around the world. The reasons are …
Perusing the Wall Street Journal this weekend, I came across an interesting article: ‘Ok Boomer, Who’s Going to Buy Your 21 Million Homes‘. The article talked about the staggering number …
Did you know Revista is now tracking Occupancy, Absorption, Completions, Rents and Rent Growth within MOBs located in the top 125 metro areas? Let’s take a look at the Jacksonville …
After a slow start to the year, medical office building (MOB) sales have picked up in the second and third quarters (Q2 and Q3), providing a very strong possibility that the final 2019 volume will top $10 billion for the fifth straight year.