For Community Based Building & Services, Flexibility is Key
Perusing the Wall Street Journal this weekend, I came across an interesting article: ‘Ok Boomer, Who’s Going to Buy Your 21 Million Homes‘. The article talked about the staggering number …
Perusing the Wall Street Journal this weekend, I came across an interesting article: ‘Ok Boomer, Who’s Going to Buy Your 21 Million Homes‘. The article talked about the staggering number …
Did you know Revista is now tracking Occupancy, Absorption, Completions, Rents and Rent Growth within MOBs located in the top 125 metro areas? Let’s take a look at the Jacksonville …
After a slow start to the year, medical office building (MOB) sales have picked up in the second and third quarters (Q2 and Q3), providing a very strong possibility that the final 2019 volume will top $10 billion for the fifth straight year.
It doesn’t look as if anyone is going to dethrone Oakland, Calif.-based Kaiser Permanente as the country’s largest owner of medical real estate anytime soon.
For the sixth consecutive year, Kaiser, a health insurer and provider with 8.6 million members in nine states, sat atop the annual “2018 Top 50 Owners of Medical Real Estate” report compiled by Revista, which gathers and provides a wide variety of healthcare real estate (HRE) data, statistics and reports for its subscribing members.
We have recently completed an annual update of the size and scope of the medical real estate sector. For this update, Revista counts inpatient hospital real estate as well as …
There are currently about 600 medical office projects under way across the country. More than 15 percent of those projects include orthopedics. Why do so many projects include this specialty? …
Revista is thrilled to announce that Andrew Haslam, Chief Asset Officer for Providence St. Joseph’s Health System and Tom Errath, Director for Harrison Street Real Estate Capital will co-chair the …
The country’s healthcare-focused REITs have always been, and are likely to continue to be, an important investor group in the medical office building (MOB) acquisitions sector.
While MOB transaction activity might have cooled somewhat and MOB construction remains steady, deliveries of hospital projects have been on a spike. Based on projects that have either opened or …
There’s plenty of talk in the medical office building (MOB) sales sector that even though demand remains as high as ever for the product type, the volume has been quiet …
Medical Office (MOB) transaction volume has slowed during the past year. Within the top 50 metros Revista recorded $7.14B worth of MOB trades from 3Q18 to 2Q19. This was down …
In recent weeks we’ve seen significant volatility in the stock market along with increasing fears of a recession. After all, this is now the longest market expansion in history. It …
For four straight years, medical office building sales have topped $11 billion in annual volume, according to Revista data. However, so far in 2019, MOB sales have slowed a bit, …
Revista has been hard at work collecting data on medical properties in the top 125 metro areas for several years. As a result, we are very excited to be able …
2019 MOB deal volume continues the cooling trend after coming off historical highs in 2017. Preliminary data shows 375 MOBs traded in the first half of 2019 representing about $4.4 …
There’s a widespread notion that opportunities to open new urgent care centers (UCCs) in the United States have, for the most part, run their course. The main culprits, it would …
In the past twelve months, over 21 million square feet of medical office space have been delivered across the country. More than 35% of that has been condensed in 10 markets. Chicago …
Deal reinforces strategy of creating value by packaging MOBs into large portfolios With MOB sales off to a somewhat slow start in early 2019, the closing of the sector’s second-biggest …